Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is one of the key issues of today’s apps that app owners need to keep an eye on besides of downloads and revenue. CRO helps to understand the user activities and important mobile app metrics as a percentage of conversion. For the long-term success of your app, you have to be aware of what’s going wrong or right and so implement your strategies according to it. Let’s find out the product assets we will use on App Store and Google Play to apply the CRO strategy.

Title, subtitle, short description, description, screenshots, feature graphic, app video, what’s new, and in-app purchase steps are important for CRO strategy. But besides that let’s dig a little deeper for CRO and sort out its mystery!

Step 1: Research

Studying your competition, learning about your target market, and examining the peculiarities of your app are all part of proper research. The most crucial information/value proposition on your app's listing is communication. There are numerous ways to do research. to improve we recognize the available ways. Organize them under three groups:

  • Looking inward: This is understanding your app and finding out who will be interested in your app. The main question should be ‘’What is your app value proposition?’’. You need to figure out what your app presents to users first. Please take that as a note, the value of your app does not mean that feature of your app. When you realize your value proposition, it will not affect only ASO positively but also your business path will be stronger. Let’s see the difference between feature and value proposition. Feature of your app means ‘’functionality’’, value of your app means which benefits are you presenting to users. You can track your value propositions by communicating with your users about how to make this app their lives easier. Also, you can consider your app’s uniqueness compared to other competitors.

After this knowledge has been completed, you can focus on the feature of your app. For example which features get your audience’s attention and which is not? Or what is your audience need?

Reviews and their worth are sometimes overlooked even though they are an excellent way to learn more about your value proposition and your consumers' needs, as well as to gain first-hand feedback on what works and what needs to be changed. Take a few moments to read (not scan) a few of the most popular customer evaluations. Take notes on these, and consider ways to include any additional often expressed comments into your messaging. There are also other ASO tools that aggregate reviews by custom topics, analyze existing trends, and divide these topics into groups based on sentiment (work that may also be done in the Google Play Developer Console). If you have hundreds of reviews to read but don't have the time to do so manually, these tools can help you save time in your analysis.

Also creating popular content with music, video, and pictures according to the locales will affect your app’s impact. It will be a smart move to use your data about which content makes your business peak and which is not.

You can use users as a test. We mean that you can quickly quiz about your app to your audience so you reach clear data from your direct users. But it should be practic so user spare time.

PET- ASO model which is the definition of Persuasion- Emotion – Trust Design will also help your conversion. You should motivate your potential users to install the app with a powerful influence on your store. Showing positive feedback to actual users, using someone well-known and trustworthy, and rewarding the potential user with a download is effective for conversion rate, and also these are steps for Persuasion. Regarding the Emotion step, you should be more aesthetic, friendly, and simple to figure out. For the last step Trust step, you can present to potential user certification, quality content, etc.

  • Looking outward: Looking outward entails shifting the focus from the app in issue to the larger ecosystem around it, such as industry best practices, app stores in general, and the competitors (both direct and indirect).