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Follow the charts, analyze country statistics, research local and global opportunities to enter new markets

Hot Updates

Hot Updates

Always have an eye on the freshly updated apps with Hot Updates feature.

See the updates of all apps by release date, category, country, or platform.

Know which app has been updated lately and follow their frequent updates.

See when an instant change occurs and beware of any updates.

New Arrivals

New Arrivals

Know what are new apps enter to the mobile market.

Check out the new arrivals in your category and always know about the latest updates.

Follow the trends by new apps in any category and see which one of shining.

Get the full data of new apps to catch new ideas and opportunities.



Be the first one to know about pre-orders. Analyze their assets before they release the final product and keep an eye on their growth.

Watch out for the pre-orders by country and category.

Be the first to know when a new app enters the market and never overlook your app's category growth.

Top Apps

Top Apps

Find out the top apps by their growth, download, and revenue metrics.

Compare between the leading apps of the charts and analyze growth strategies.

Reveal all the winning apps on all categories in one chart.

See the full statistics of growing apps by their downloads, revenue, and growth rates. Get the data of any dates.

Top Publishers

Top Publishers

Get the full data of top publishers and view all of their apps in one dashboard.

View the app numbers, downloads, and revenue in simple graphics.

Learn all of the app downloads and revenue of the top publishers by their downloads, revenue, and growth rates.

Track the most powerful app of any publisher and see all the growth of others.

App Analysis

App Analysis

Have a wide analysis of apps with strong metrics such as revenue per download.

See the country basis analysis with an understanding of the primary revenue and download distributions.

Examine the app statistics by one chart or download them as CSV to save the specific data.

Look for according to country, publisher, app, and device, at any date.

Publisher Analysis

Publisher Analysis

Analyze any publisher and their apps by publisher analysis.

Select the dates you want to track and learn about the growth of the app in specific dates, categories, and platforms.

View all metrics in the chart and see growth history by revenue or download.

Track any publisher with the metrics you need.

Transfer Market

Transfer Market

Not all apps stay with the same publisher forever. Check out the latest app transfers that happened in the market.

Learn the new publishers, or search according to publisher names, categories, or dates.

Find out the old and new app owners at Transfer Market easily and see which apps are in demand the most!

In-App Events

In-App Events

Never miss an event with in-app events feature. See which in-app events are happening now and benchmark from their titles, descriptions, and assets.

Design your in-app event as best as you can. Search for any app's in-app events by country, event type, and date.

Find out if the event is available or already expired.

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