MamaZen: Mindful Parenting App

MamaZen: Mindful Parenting App

Motherhood & Positive Mamas

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Free (IAP)
4.6 (968)
United States United States
Motherhood & Positive Mamas
**2023 Ringling Innovation Award** 

**2022 Mom’s Choice Award**

MamaZen is the #1 mindful parenting app recommended by top psychologists, therapists and mental health experts. Includes Zenzy® Kids Sessions for free!

Our science-based relaxing Mindpower Audio Sessions™ that merge meditation, cognitive hypnotherapy, and mindfulness techniques are guaranteed to positively transform not just how you feel but improve your parenting skills as well.

You will be able to manage your child's challenging behavior with more calmness, more patience and more love.

After each session, you'll feel less anxious, more energized, calmer, and happier. Not only will you benefit, but your children and family will, too.

You will become a calmer, more patient mother with better parenting skills. Isn't it time you enjoy motherhood and parenting while worrying less?

Motherhood & parenting research supports the fact that a happier mom means a happier, more loving household. Taking care of yourself as a mother, a parent and a woman isn’t a luxury or something to push to the side - it’s essential - especially for your kids. In motherhood, you can’t pour from an empty cup!

Access to full Mindpower Sessions requires an in-app purchase of $5.75/mo with an annual subscription of $68.99, or a monthly subscription of $14.99/mo. Scholarships are available for low-income families.

How MamaZen Benefits You

• Feel much happier, MORE PATIENT, and more like your true self with better parenting skills.

• Better-behaved children who are calmer and happier.

• A calmer, happier, more loving household and parenting environment.

• Experience less motherhood stress, less motherhood anxiety, and feel happier & calmer.

• Actually enjoy your motherhood & parenting journey.

How MamaZen Benefits Your Kids

•Your children will also reap the same benefits, feeling happier and less stressed.

• If you’re calmer and happier, your kids will grow up to be too! Seeing you happy will boost their happiness and confidence, they will trust you more and act out less.

How MamaZen Benefits Your Partner

• You and your partner are in this together. With Dad’s Zone and Couples Sessions, you can unlock the peaceful parenting bliss you’ve always dreamed of.

• Grow with your significant other in your parenting journey.

• Be more kind to each other and argue less.

• Reduce stress and resolve parenting conflict easier.

• Relax, tune in together, and strengthen your relationship.

How Does MamaZen Work?

1) Get comfortable, lie down, and put your headphones on.

2) Select a Mindpower Session. We combine the best of hypnotherapy, CBT, and mindfulness to bring you powerful, life-changing sessions.

3) Tap play, close your eyes, and experience life-changing motherhood and parenting shifts!

Sessions Designed For All Motherhood Challenges:

• Release Mom Guilt
• Develop More Patience and Reduce Anger
• Overcome motherhood & parenting anxiety and overwhelm
• Deep & Rejuvenating Sleep
• Increase Self-Esteem, Self-Love, and Self-Acceptance
• Deeper Connection with Children
• De-Stress from Your Day
• Recognize and Eliminate Emotional Eating
• Reduce Alcohol Consumption
• Crush Sugar Cravings
• Visualize Weight Loss
• Motivate Yourself to Move
• Boost Your Body Image

5-7 Minute Emergency Sessions

Feel like you’re about to explode? Keep your head on, we got you covered momma.

Our 7 Minute Emergency Sessions are specifically designed to provide the shortest yet most effective audio relaxation experience when you need it most. Whether you’re feeling aggravated, stressed, overworked, bombarded, or on the verge of a parenting mental breakdown ーyou can count on an Emergency Session to pull you through it.

MamaZen will help you reach your ideal self:

• Be relaxed as you go about your day
• Be confident as a mother, a parent, and as an individual
• Be happy, fulfilled, and connected to yourself, your family and your children

Say goodbye to motherhood stress, motherhood anxiety, and guilt.
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Waste of time

I was super excited to try this app out I’ve been struggling a lot since I had my first child almost 4 years ago I went through the whole thing answering questions choosing what I wanted to change etc and I get to the end and I have to pay to use the app.

Danelle102Thu, May 16, 2024
United StatesUnited States

App wont let me sign up

I love the concept of this app and would love to begin using it however everytime I try signingup and it has me add to village, there is no option to move forward or continue, I have tried refreshing, looking up customer support and even deleted and reinstalled the app! Maybe this bug can be fixed..

lunalalunalaWed, Mar 27, 2024
United StatesUnited States

Truly life changing!

I never write reviews for apps, but MamaZen deserves a 5-star rating and a glowing review! This app is truly life changing for me! I am a widowed mom of two little kids, so I live in constant stress and anxiety. No amount of therapy, breath work, meditation has come close to giving me the results this app gives me. I am calmer, more present, more attuned to myself and my children and just feel less anxious and overwhelmed overall. This app truly has a session for every life circumstance and every feeling. So often I would download a meditation app only to get bored with it or simply not be able to find a session that speaks to me. With MamaZen, no matter what my challenges are, the perfect session is always available. They even have sessions just for kids and those have become part of our nightly routine! My kids absolutely love listening to the meditations to help them fall asleep. I am forever grateful to the creators and developers of this app for the work they put in to bring this app to life! Keep doing the amazing work of helping moms thrive! ❤️

SmingFace11Mon, Mar 25, 2024
United StatesUnited States
Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD 3.7KMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUE$9.2KMay 2024Worldwide
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Min Os. Version
Release Date
Mon, Aug 31, 2020
Update Date
Mon, May 20, 2024
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Has IMessage
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What's New
2 weeks ago
MamaZen is the #1 mindful parenting app, revolutionizing the way parents raise their children. It’s designed for any parent, from those who are just starting to explore mindful parenting techniques to those who have been practicing for years. MamaZen offers a unique approach to overcome anxiety, break generational cycles, and cultivate patience and calmness in everyday parenting. Now, chat any day, at any time, with one of our coaches about anything. Our 24/7 access ensures that no matter what you're facing, you're never alone. Whether you need advice, support, or simply wish to share your experiences, our expert & coaches are here for you.
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