ICD-11 Disease Codes Pro

ICD-11 Disease Codes Pro

ICD-11 Codes + definitions, inclusions, exclusions, ICD-10-mapping, synonymes

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ICD-11 Codes + definitions, inclusions, exclusions, ICD-10-mapping, synonymes
The new ICD-11 classification released by the WHO, entirely wrapped up in this offline app. No ads, no permissions needed. Brand-new data: MMS 2022.

Export all details, save favorites.
Languages english and spanish, depending on the settings of your device. We are not allowed to translate ICD into other languages - but you can! Simply copy details of any ICD with the green button into your clipboard and use Google Translator (enable "Tap to translate" in Google Translator).

Available details (english/spanish), everything that is provided by the WHO:
ICD-11 code and title,
coding notes,
corresponding ICD-10 codes,
all searchable (fulltext-search).

ICD-11 has got a lot more codes than ICD-10.
To help you find what you are looking for this app provides several tools to help:

a) After each search the number of hits is shown. You have a direct feedback for enhancing the search-terms.
b) Your search result can be filtered by the chapters that are affected ("chapter distribution").
c) Search with combined terms like 'pregnant&diab' to get more specific results.
d) Define yourself, where search should take place: include or exclude synonymes, definitions, in-/exclusions, coding-notes or ICD-10-codes in/from the search.
e) ClusterCodes / Postcoordination: Enter combined codes with & as separator (e.g FA70.0&XT15&XT8W), search will list all combined codes separately for easy access to details of every code

Exclusives and inclusives of all levels shown in details, searchable.
Forward crosswalk: Search for ICD-10 Codes, find corresponding ICD-11 codes in every detail.

Please compare with other ICD-11 apps and look at the screenshots. No other app will give you such detail.

We are sure you will like it. Test it for 4 weeks. If you do not like it, we will return your money. Write to [email protected] and give us the order number of your PlayStore receipt.
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Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD 382May 2024Worldwide
REVENUE$111May 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
Release Date
Wed, Aug 7, 2019
Update Date
Thu, Nov 17, 2022
Content Rating
Everyone 10+
What's New
1 year ago
  MMS 2022-02
Link to article about "whats new in ICD-11"
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