RC Comp Score Calculator

RC Comp Score Calculator

R/C Rock Crawler Comp Scorer

App Report, Market and Ranking Data
5 (1)
United States United States
R/C Rock Crawler Comp Scorer
R/C Comp Score Calculator includes 10 customizable scoring items/values.  Each scoring item can be scored up 10 times.  Score items and values are pre-filled, but can be easily customized in the Customize Scoring settings. 

DNS (up to 125), DNF (up to 100) and Point-Out (up to 100) can also be customized.  You can add 7 customized Class Type options to the existing (fixed) class choices (1.9 Class, 2.2 Sport,  2.2 Pro & Outlaw).

With an adjustable timer, you can set the countdown time from 1 minute to 10 minutes. The timer offers a play and pause button and counts down to zero.  Keep the app open while the timer is running.

A running “Points Total” is kept, along with a running “Final Total”. The "Points Total" includes all of the scoring points above it. The “Final Total” includes the “Points Total” plus “DNS” plus “DNF” values.

Fill in the Driver Name, Class Type, Course # and an optional short Location/Note to save scores.

Scores will be saved for the day only and are deleted at the end of the day.  Saved scores can be viewed at a glance and in detail. You can export all details to a CSV file and share screenshots as well. 
Category Ranking
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Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
Release Date
Mon, Feb 22, 2021
Update Date
Fri, May 24, 2024
Content Rating
Has IMessage
Support Watch
Support Siri
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Has Game Center
Family Sharing
Support Passbook
Supported Languages
What's New
2 weeks ago
 1.9 Class, 2.2 Sport, 2.2 Pro, Outlaw and plus 7 customizable classes.  Customizable scoring field values for the first field can now have a value from -10 to 25 and for the second field it can be set from -10 to 15 points.
DNS is customizable up to 125, DNF & Point-Out are customizable up to 100 each.
On the main screen, the 9th setting (default is Progress) allows up to 20 times.
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