CutList SI Tape Calculator

CutList SI Tape Calculator

Linear CutList SI Optimizer

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Linear CutList SI Optimizer
Most of the time, the cutting tasks or material estimations have to be calculated on job site other than the office where you should be able to figure out how to cut pieces with the best optimization in a fast paced environment. It saves you a lot of time , money, materials and potentially increase profits.
This slick mobile app in your own pocket can easily provide you a good cutting pattern with a super fast speed even for huge sets of lengths(up to 40 sets with the pro version). 
Apart from generating a good cutting pattern, it also provides the details of waste percentage and left overs  materials where they can be used for other future projects.
Other features such as:
1. Short learning curve - a video is included showing the actual operations.
2. Super fast speed - it is utilizing an advanced algorithm with the best combinations and iterations methods.
3. Mobility - you can this app at the job site and email the results out for your office or customers.
4. Concise report - it consists of cutting pattern, waste % and left overs for each stock length(raw material).
5. Huge number of input data - it can handle up to 40 sets of lengths for pro version.
6. Save money for materials and engineering time.
    Pay back for your project is extremely fast.
7. Sound supported - it will guide you throughout the entire operation.
8. Kerf(blade width) is included in calculations.
9. Error detection codes - they are used to verify and confirm the input lengths, and make sure the are ok for optimization.
    Such as no duplicates, individual lengths should be less than stock length, quantity missing etc.,
10. Input lengths are all in a standardized format.
11. Safety features to prevent deleting the input data accidentally.
     You will be asked first before you can delete the data.
12. It provides values to the professional applications, such as manufacturing, cost estimating, services and sales.
  Definitely, it is an excellent tool for aluminum framing, windows and curtain walls business where the materials saving are essential.
Category Ranking
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Review Breakdown
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Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
Release Date
Sat, Apr 30, 2022
Update Date
Tue, Oct 18, 2022
Content Rating
Has IMessage
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Has Game Center
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What's New
1 year ago
Adding support for iPhone 14 Pro and Pro max.

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