SplitHit Vocal Remover

SplitHit Vocal Remover

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Free (IAP)
3 (10)
United States United States
Ever wanted to control music? Really control it? With Split, every instrument is in the palm of your hand.

Singer at heart? Need a Karaoke maker? Use our state of the art voice removal method to make karaoke out of any song. Just upload any mp3 file and remove the vocals. Record yourself singing along and share with your friends. To get your singing more accurate, you can keep the original singer audible while recording and remove the vocals completely afterwards.

DJ? Split any song and save the separate tracks to create powerful remixes and mashups. With our AI technology you can split any song into vocals, piano, bass, drums and other musical instruments (guitar/keyboard). Save the separated instruments in top quality and create a mind-blowing remix.

Enjoy equalizers? With split you can boost more than just the bass. Get a new, better than equalizer listening experience. Play with the level of each instrument in real time, to listen to songs differently. Want to boost the drums? Listen to any song in acapella? Curious as to how your favorite songs would sound like with just the vocals and drums active? Let your imagination run wild and choose your own unique listening experience.

Practicing an instrument? Use Sphereo’s split technology to remove or boost the instrument you’re playing. Make it as quiet or as loud as you need to best practice. Record yourself playing to see how much you’ve improved. Practice singing, drumming, piano, bass and other musical instruments (tip: play with the “other” channel to isolate guitar/keyboards).



-Split any song into vocals, piano, bass drums and harmonics (guitar/ keyboards)
-Save the separate channels in top quality to create DJ remixes and mashups


Remove voice from any mp3 song to make a karaoke version
Record yourself singing to the karaoke version and share with friends
Perfect your vocal abilities by singing along to the original vocals and remove them only after recording


Use Sphereo’s split and sound amplifier technology to separate and amplify the sound of any instrument
Bass booster, drum booster, piano booster, vocal booster and guitar booster


Master any instrument by removing or amplifying its sound from any song.
Control the level of the volume for best practice.
Record yourself playing to review your progress.
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It works… I guess

As a audio engineer in live sound and a musician, I can hear and distinguish a lot of distortion and noise coming from each track, even before they are separated. In short terms, audio quality is not good. When you start separating the quality of audio gets worse and worse. The piano is not identified in the music so soloing the piano is useless. The bass is extremely distorted and you cannot even hear the notes or the fact that it’s a bass. The drums are not great quality, and the main music track is eh. The vocal track could also use some work to create better quality. I’d say this app is alright, but for somebody looking for a really good quality, either backing tracks or practice track, there are better options. Like Moises, a free vocal and instrument splitter that has excellent quality!

ABC thatis dor meThu, Mar 23, 2023
United StatesUnited States


But How do u save it

nickeyyyyyyyyyyThu, Jan 5, 2023
United StatesUnited States

Great but

Please work on the quality of the audio it’s really bad like if I was to put a song in the quality of the song will just go bad please fix it

uuikkjgcdfbkdmdknzbab didjSat, Nov 20, 2021
United StatesUnited States

Issue resolved.

The issue with saving a single MP3 file has been resolved. I am now giving 5 stars for a great app and fast turnaround time by the developer.

uncle_chunkSat, Jan 16, 2021
United StatesUnited States

Good app

It does its job well but one problem I found is that it no longer lets me use music from my drive, when I push on the file nothing happens.

gyvuvty bSun, Jan 10, 2021
United StatesUnited States


It makes the music all mumbled and plus it literally deletes some of the instruments! I wasted a lot more time!

uyyyhygtfhebdFri, Jan 8, 2021
United StatesUnited States

Almost there

I normally don’t write reviews but in this case I decided to write one because this app is nearly perfect. I have only given 3 stars because of an issue with saving the custom files. I am using the latest iPad Pro and I am able to save the individual tracks without a problem. When I try to save the custom file as a single MP3, the app crashes every time. I have tried multiple files and it has failed every time. This is a pretty important function for an app like this. If this issue can be resolved I will definitely give 5 stars because this app is very easy to use and does a great job of splitting the tracks. I have read reviews for similar apps and see people complaining because it is not a 100% clean separation of tracks. They don’t seem to understand that the only way they are going to get that level of perfection is if they purchase the separate tracks from the recording studio and I can guarantee that it will be much more expensive than the cost of this app. Once the individual tracks of a song are merged into a single file it is very difficult to split them out again. This app comes as close as any other app on the market. Kudos to the development team. Please try to resolve the issue with saving to a single MP3 file. I am happy to assist with testing if that will help.

uncle_chunkSun, Dec 20, 2020
United StatesUnited States
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DOWNLOAD 3.5KApr 2024Worldwide
REVENUE$121Apr 2024Worldwide
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Release Date
Sat, Sep 5, 2020
Update Date
Thu, Jan 14, 2021
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