Your screened nanny or au pair

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Your screened nanny or au pair
Hello parents! Are you looking for a really nice and reliable babysitter, au pair, childminder, or nanny?
Look no further, you can find him/her through us! Enjoy a nice evening out again, or take some time for yourself - our babysitters will take care of your little ones. Looking for an after school nanny? No more rushing to school! Our nannies will pick up your kids - they can even have play-dates if they like. We will bring them to their extracurricular activities and even help prepare dinner. Our nannies are truly amazing, give them a try! ;-)

Are you a future babysitter or nanny? Perfect!
Are you looking for a job as a babysitter, a childminder, an au pair or nanny? Do you love working with children? Then you are exactly who we are looking for! Register for free, receive and accept jobs within a personally calibrated distance, and work whenever you want! See you soon? Love Nina

Book your reliable babysitter or au pair efficiently through Nina Care. All nannies and au pairs are screened and have at least 1 review from a previous family, so don’t worry, we guarantee you a reliable babysitter. You can also rely on us for a back-up when your nanny gets sick!

View nanny profiles, reviews and rates for the different babysitters living close by!
Need a last-minute babysitter or did your babysitter cancel on you last minute? Our city captains will find a babysitter for you up until 30 minutes in advance (this may vary depending on which city you’re in. Just place a booking and 1-6 nanny profiles will apply, and you can choose your nanny. You will always be able to rely on us to be on time for work. Or have that spontaneous night out ;)

With your free Nanny App, you can:
- Arrange your screened last-minute babysitter (up until 30 minutes in advance)
- View babysitters in your area: for just one evening, a regular nanny or even a childminder at your home.
- Check the rates for babysitters in your area.
- Schedule a free introduction and enjoy a cup of coffee together.
- Have a nice chat with us and ask us all your questions
- Find your regular babysitter for daytime within 3 weeks! Available for the days you are looking for someone: - Screened for the preferences that you fill in yourself.
- You pay 15% per booking ( no subscription) and your nanny works ensured

The app works together with the website, so you can book both through the app and the website! Nina Care is available in the largest cities in the Netherlands, in Oslo, Berlin, and Brussels: enter your zip code to see if we also offer our services in your neighborhood :-)

This app is for babysitters, nannies, childminders and au pairs. 

- No need to keep an agenda, just respond when you want to work!
- Work in your area
- You decide on your own rate.
- Nina Care does not take any fee from you, the app is truly free.
- Find a job as a childminder, au pair, babysitter for evenings, or as a nanny for daytime at home.
Category Ranking
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Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD 1.7KMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
Release Date
Sat, Oct 5, 2019
Update Date
Wed, May 24, 2023
Content Rating
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Family Sharing
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