Shvasa - yoga in every breath

Shvasa - yoga in every breath

Live Yoga Classes

App Report, Market and Ranking Data
Free (IAP)
2 (1)
United States United States
Live Yoga Classes
Shvasa is the easiest way to book LIVE yoga classes with master teachers and have the most personalised yoga class experience online. Form a great habit for life by downloading Shvasa.
Shvasa is for anyone, whether you’re a beginner who’s new to yoga or an advanced student who’s looking to get deeper, we have the right classes for everyone.
Our classes are similar to your in person yoga class in a studio, but even better because we allow only 10-15 people per class - so every student gets the attention they deserve.
Steps to Get Started:
Download the app and create a free account
Share your goals
Book a yoga class
Experience bliss
Our counsellors first understand your goals and then customise your LIVE class practice accordingly so that you can progress faster towards your goals.
Our teachers will also hand hold you through each class to make sure you have your posture right and push you when needed.
National Institutes of Health shared scientific evidence that shows yoga supports stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss and quality sleep
Regular yoga practice may reduce levels of stress and body-wide inflammation, contributing to healthier hearts.
Many of our customers have experienced lesser stress and better sleep right after attending even the first class.
Here’s what our customers have been saying about us on google
“ Kudos for bringing Yoga to the living room with a combination of technology & a highly motivated and dedicated team working almost round the clock to deliver
an experience that's as personalized as could be.”
“ The classes are tailored per individuals need and the teachers are very encouraging. There is 1:1 attention given to each student. We are often pushed to do our level best! And this is the most beautiful aspect of the class. I feel so blessed to have found Shvasa ”
Start prioritising your health today by downloading Shvasa because at the end of the day - health is wealth!

[:mav: 1.0.42] 

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Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD 229May 2024Worldwide
REVENUE$108May 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
Release Date
Thu, May 26, 2022
Update Date
Thu, May 23, 2024
Content Rating
Has IMessage
Support Watch
Support Siri
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Has Game Center
Family Sharing
Support Passbook
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What's New
1 week ago
Optimizations and bug fixes
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Unlimited classes - 1 month
Thrice a week - 1 year
Twice a week - 1 year
Unlimited classes - 1year
Twice a week - 6 month
Thrice a class - 6 month
unlimited claases - 6 month
Twice a week - 3 month
Thrice a week- 3months
Unimilited classes - 3month

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