Crystal Medicine Wisdom Oracle

Crystal Medicine Wisdom Oracle

44 Oracle Cards

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44 Oracle Cards
Crystals hold the wisdom of the original people who lived on the Earth, the departed wisdom-keepers from all parts of the world. They hold secrets of wise ones, medicine people, shamanic healers, warriors, the druids, and others who had knowledge that helped their people multiply and prosper.

The ancestral wisdom held within the crystals can be called upon in prayer, meditation, and ceremony for healing, to create change and support.

Together, Crystals and Ancestors bring a powerful contribution of wisdom that can help us in our mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional life. Crystals offer a non-critical, complete loving energy that can help us feel safe and guided.

Crystals can offer us experience that they obtained as they have shared space with Mother Earth, Her Magic, and Her Medicine for multitudes of years.

With this powerful oracle, you have the opportunity to tap into the great Medicine Wisdom and bridge the gap between us and Mother Earth. Together we can work as one again. Connection and Ceremony are where we are being called back to. Healing the self first is how we will get back to our natural spiritual capacities. It is then that we will step up into the role of ceremony keepers. 

With this deck, allow the wisdom of the ancestors to bring you direct messages that will set you on track towards a life filled with magic and wisdom.

Within the hidden spiritual realms of crystals are ancient ancestors who are using their wisdom to help heal the new generations of the Earth. As humankind has lost its connection to the Earth, Crystals have emerged to help mankind ground once again. We can access this incredible force of kindness and compassion, but first, we must be willing to humble ourselves and to allow ourselves to listen.

This oracle deck will help you forge that connection. Crystal Ancestors are connected with the higher realms such as angels and other higher beings who are charged with monitoring the wellbeing of all sentient beings.

Collectors have connected with the higher frequencies of the crystals and have placed them in all four corners of the world. Each Crystal may have different names and colors, but its essence and mission remain the same; to bring peace, ground us, and help and guide us.

There are several ways to use this card deck. Follow the recommended suggestions in the guidebook.

Blessings on your spiritual and personal life journey. 

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I love this app!

I love the guidance, affirmations, use information and real photo of each stone that is so beautifully displayed! I highly recommend this app!

bpmedium2uWed, May 15, 2024
United StatesUnited States
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Release Date
Tue, Sep 13, 2022
Update Date
Mon, Dec 19, 2022
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