Fuel cost calculator

Fuel cost calculator

A handy calculator to estimate the fuel consumption and fuel cost of a trip.

App Report, Market and Ranking Data
3.2 (85)
United States United States
A handy calculator to estimate the fuel consumption and fuel cost of a trip.
The fuel cost calculator can help you figure out how much fuel you need for your trip and how much it will cost.

Enter the distance (in miles or kilometers), the average fuel consumption for your vehicle (in MPG US, MPG UK, km/L or L/100 km) and the price of fuel and the calculator will show you how much fuel your vehicle is predicted to consume (Fuel Total) and how much a trip will cost (Total Cost).

You can optionally add the number of passengers and the calculator will calculate you the cost of your trip per passenger.

The app does calculations in imperial (MPG US or MPG UK) and metric (km/L or L/100 km)) units.

You can round results to the specified number of decimal places. By default, the app displays 2 decimal places. To round results to the nearest whole number, select 0 decimal places.

The fuel calculator keeps calculation history so you can easily view and compare your recent calculations.

Sends results and history via email.
Category Ranking
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Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
Release Date
Fri, Jul 7, 2017
Update Date
Mon, Aug 28, 2023
Content Rating
What's New
9 months ago

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