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Follower Analyzer for Twitter (Beta)

Follower Analyzer for Twitter (Beta)

Check "who" you're following. Keep the best, unfollow the rest!

App Report, Market and Ranking Data
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United States United States
Check "who" you're following. Keep the best, unfollow the rest!
Check the rank of every Twitter Account you follow!

Note: This app doesn't require you to log in to your Twitter account and works only with Public Twitter API & Formaloo Data Analytics API.
This app is also fully open-sourced:

Ultimately this app tries to identify the “real” accounts from fake accounts, bots, and suspicious accounts.

This app aims to analyze every Twitter account and rank them based on their activities, interactions between users, and the content that they're sharing.

This algorithm helps Twitter and Twitter users identify which accounts are real and fake accounts (or acts suspiciously). With this app and this algorithm, we try to see the real value behind every account you’re following and decide to get your information with insight.

How does it work?
"Rank for Twitter" works by counting the number and quality of interactions to a Twitter account to determine a rough estimate of how important the account is. The underlying assumption is that more important accounts are likely to receive more “real” interactions from other Twitter accounts.

TwitterRank app uses Twitter API and Formaloo CDP data mining engine to analyze every interaction of every Twitter account and rank them based on their activities. These ranks are calculated between 0 and 10 with 0 being the lowest score possible (mostly associated with fake accounts, bots, or inactive accounts) and 10 in the highest score possible. All ranks will be updated monthly.

This application is currently in beta and its algorithm is in the experiment mode, so if you believe that the rank of an account is miscalculated, please send us your feedback here:
Category Ranking
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REVENUEN/AApr 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
Release Date
Tue, Dec 15, 2020
Update Date
Thu, Jun 10, 2021
Content Rating
What's New
2 years ago
Major update to Rank Algorithm by using Formaloo Data Analytics 
UI Improvment

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