Hindi Eng Arabic Voice to Text

Hindi Eng Arabic Voice to Text

Speak in Hindi, English, Arabic & Urdu to get language text automatically typed.

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Speak in Hindi, English, Arabic & Urdu to get language text automatically typed.
Voice typing in languages like Hindi, Urdu, Arabic & English. Just speak that you want to type. Also use this app to translate text from one language to another. Like English to Urdu, English to Arabic and vice versa. Also Hindi to English translator or Urdu to Arabic translation can be done easily.

App main features:

-- Speak to Text or Voice to Text :
- Type with voice in Arabic, Urdu, English or Hindi language.
- Save your text file.
- Also use to continue typing later on.
- Share your text typed on any of social media apps.

-- Multi Language Translator :
- English to Hindi Translator
- Hindi to English Translator
- Urdu to Arabic Translator
- Urdu to English Translator
- Arabic to English Translator
- Arabic to Hindi translator

-- Spelling Checker
- Check spelling by speaking that particular word.
- Improve your vocab of your these languages.

-- Know Pronunciation
- Type in a word to know how it pronounced.
- Get pronunciation in Urdu, English, Arabic & Hindi languages.

-- Save your speech to text words & translated words.

-- Buy more characters to translate large text data.

A simple app that help you to type in your language with voice. Also translate voice to text in another language. Change speech to text from Hindi, Urdu, Arabic or English.

Permission Required:

INTERNET : Translate words.
BILLING: For in-app purchase and buy characters for translate words.
Category Ranking
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Review Breakdown
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Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
Release Date
Fri, Jun 12, 2020
Update Date
Wed, Nov 1, 2023
Content Rating
What's New
7 months ago
- Solved issue with translation.
- Removed errors and improve app performance.
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