App is deprecated.Last check on Feb 19, 2024.
My Inquilab

My Inquilab

Allows customers to communicate with Inquilab 24/7, simply and conveniently

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United States United States
Allows customers to communicate with Inquilab 24/7, simply and conveniently
The Inquilab tenant’s app is designed to make life easier for Inquilab Housing Association customers. It's simple to report repairs or schedule repair visits, exchange messages with your landlord and feedback your opinions via surveys or suggestions.  

If you want to make a complaint, or pass a compliment back to your landlord -- use the Inquilab app. You can upload pictures or video clips as part of any repair report. You can view your rent history, or raise any issue you wish through the 2-way messaging system with your Inquilab app. We’ll be adding a “Rent Payment” feature to your app very soon.

We will also be adding a community section that will help keep you connected with community news and activities via the app. And with your input (via My Account section), we will continue to improve the app and make it the best possible app for all our customers. Tell us what features or changes you would like to see added to the app -- especially any community-focused features !!
Category Ranking
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Review Breakdown
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Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
Release Date
Thu, Jan 6, 2022
Update Date
Mon, May 9, 2022
Content Rating
What's New
2 years ago
Minor enhancements to improve performance when reading a large number of private and group messages.

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