Quit Guru

Quit Guru

Quit Smoking for Good, Without Pain and Effort

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Free (IAP)
4.5 (47)
United States United States
Quit Smoking for Good, Without Pain and Effort
Have you ever seen a quit smoking program that didn’t feel like slow torture? Quitting with Quit Guru is as easy as hitting the play button and listening to audio sessions for a few minutes a day.

Removes Cravings and Anxiety
Quit Guru gradually reduces and removes your desire to smoke, taking away cravings and anxiety along with it.

More Bang for the Buck
Quitting smoking with Quit Guru costs less than a week’s worth of cigarettes, and you pay only once.

Works for 9 out of 10 Smokers
In 2020, the program was evaluated in a 6-month longitudinal study, during which, 93% of participants who completed the program claimed that Quit Guru helped them quit smoking.

Backed by Science, Verified by Experience
Quit Guru is based on cognitive behavioral therapy, a well-researched and highly effective treatment that focuses on changing patterns of thinking. The program was created by an experienced international team of addiction treatment professionals.

Other quit smoking programs never tell you that willpower alone isn’t enough. No wonder, 95 out of 100 people who try to quit “cold turkey” fail. The willpower method doesn’t work because you try to quit unprepared. And when you quit unprepared, you feel like making a sacrifice, which plants the seed of failure.

With Quit Guru, you don’t have to stop smoking right away. Not until you discover the actual reasons why you smoke and then build up a long-lasting motivation for quitting.

By the end of the program, you will have the necessary tools and solid motivations to start a smoke-free life. Quitting at this phase becomes very easy because you no longer think you’re losing something of any value.

It’s an approach that works for all people who smoke—even those who think they aren’t ready.

• Understand how you got hooked
• Learn why you keep on smoking
• Deal with your physical nicotine addiction
• Deal with your psychological dependence on smoking
• Acknowledge your addictive behaviors
• Break your smoking rituals
• Manage stress and anxiety
• Project your life after quitting
• Find your own lasting motivations for quitting
• Remove the fear of “giving up” smoking
• Avoid failure and future relapses
• Quit smoking for good

The program is based on five consecutive steps:
1) education – learning how you got hooked and why you keep smoking
2) self-reflection – analyzing your addictive behaviors and what smoking does to you
3) acknowledgment – recognition that there’s nothing to "give up" because smoking does nothing for you
4) motivation building – finding your own long-lasting reasons for quitting
5) building the smoke-free mindset – starting to see yourself as a non-smoker

Progressing through the entire program will give you all the necessary tools to change the way you see smoking so that you can quit for good.

The Quit Guru program is effective irrespective of the way you use tobacco products. So, regardless if you smoke, vape, chew, or snuff products that contain nicotine, Quit Guru can help you quit.

The best part is that Quit Guru doesn’t involve medication, nicotine replacements, or other gimmicks you might have stumbled upon while researching other quit smoking methods.

So give it a try—you have nothing to lose, and so much to gain!


Privacy policy: https://quit.guru/privacy-policy

Terms and Conditions: https://quit.guru/terms-and-conditions

Questions? Suggestions? Requests? Get in touch with us by writing to [email protected]
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DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Min Os. Version
Release Date
Fri, Dec 25, 2020
Update Date
Tue, Apr 19, 2022
Content Rating
What's New
2 years ago
With this major release, we are introducing our new Stay Smoke-Free program, mindfulness, breathing, and meditation practices, a quit smoking progress tracker, and the option to add content to your Favorites list.

On top of that, we have improved the app’s interface, usability, and overall performance.

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” – Marcus Aurelius

Questions? Requests? Comments? Get in touch with us at [email protected]
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