Cat Lady - The Card Game

Cat Lady - The Card Game

Adopt and collect cute cats, toys & food - Will you be the best Cat Lady? 🐈

App Report, Market and Ranking Data
4.6 (584)
United States United States
Adopt and collect cute cats, toys & food - Will you be the best Cat Lady? 🐈
Calling all cat lovers đŸ˜»

Are you ready to collect cute as kittens’ cards in this card-drafting game?

Picking up three cards at a time, you must collect a selection of cats, food, toys, costumes and more to create the best cattery you can.

Score points by feeding all the cats in your cattery and adopt strays to earn more points. The game ends when there are no cards left in the deck and the player with the most Victory Points wins! 😾

Whether you’ve played the original AEG Cat Lady or you’re new to the game, Cat Lady has a unique charm and a great depth of strategy that will keep you coming back.

Jump straight in
A super quick and easy game to learn. You’ll be adopting more cats than you can shake a tail at!

Purrfect for busy busy-bodies
Catnaps don’t take themselves, so don’t worry! Games only take 1-5 minutes. You’ll be back to cat-napping in no time.

Become the BEST Cat Lady
Play ranked games and climb the global scratching post leaderboard.

Play as a pack
With charming graphics and local multiplayer for up to 4 people, there’s no need for anyone to miss out!

Achievement hunter
For those cats out there that love the hunt, you’ll find 23 in-game achievements you can hunt down and catch.

Will you be the best Cat Lady?

Languages supported:
- English
- Français
- Deutsch
- Italiano
- Español
- PortuguĂȘs
- æ—„æœŹèȘž
- äž­æ–‡
Category Ranking
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Review Breakdown
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Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUE$22May 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
Release Date
Tue, Nov 6, 2018
Update Date
Thu, Jan 13, 2022
Content Rating
What's New
2 years ago
‱ Disabled the Christmas theme

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