Idioms & Phrases with Meaning

Idioms & Phrases with Meaning

Dictionary app of English idioms and phrases with meaning & example.

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4.1 (3.4K)
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Dictionary app of English idioms and phrases with meaning & example.
Free Offline English grammar dictionary of 10000+ of idioms, phrases, expressions, sayings and words with phrases along with their meanings. Learn and practice great idioms and phrases, thereby to improve English sentences for your upcoming conversations, from this app.

An idiom is a phrase wherein the words when used together, have a meaning different from the dictionary definitions of individual words. The group of words in idiomatic expressions do not mean what they appear to mean. This english grammar book app lists the English idioms and Phrases, idiomatic expression, proverbs and sayings with their meaning and examples.

Idiom : Apple of one's eye > Meaning : Favorite

Learn some great phrases & vocabulary from this idioms and phrases app to improve your fluency during public speaking. These phrases can also be the best conversation starters.

App Highlight & Features:
* Use our idioms dictionary free to present ideas in a better way with few sentence.
* Personalized learning experience compiled by language experts: Improve your vocabulary & phrases as this app explain each idiom & also provides an example of how the phrase is actually used.
* Improve your english knowledge today: Helps to improve your English conversation skills naturally and easily; learn at your own speed and comfort.
* Best offline English phrasal dictionary app to find meanings for thousands of business phrases.
* Corrector aid, for framing sentences and statements for official presentations & business emails.
* Great english dictionary phrasebook tool for idiomatic words with phrases!
* Best of educational apps to learn english vocabulary for work, kids, learner students & teachers!
* Useful grammer app for GRE prep course, TOEFL listening, IELTS practice course, SAT prep, GMAT vocabulary prep, MBA vocabulary, CAT reading practice, composition improvement, comprehension and Competitive Exams preparations.

Idioms & phrasal verbs in phrases and sayings are an ultimate challenge for language learners and so requires advanced explanations. Words with phrases in this app helps you improve your English proficiency. It's easy composition, illustrations in use and vocabulary are perfectly suitable for english grammar practice for kids, homework as well as for spoken English. Download this most popular and wanted of educational apps for Free!
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so basic but the teamwork who associate this app can make it more useful if they add pictures with idioms's meanings to make users , can understand easily without any problem especially the new learners and who are not native speakers

Ahmed YassineThu, Apr 25, 2024
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Release Date
Sat, Sep 28, 2013
Update Date
Tue, Aug 29, 2023
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What's New
9 months ago
Added support fro Android 13

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