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Monroe - Trans Dating

Monroe - Trans Dating

Find your ideal transgender match

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United States United States
Find your ideal transgender match
Monroe is a dating app for transgender people. We understand that usually other common dating apps don’t offer any flexible features for transgender community. That's why we’ve built an app that suits your needs. 

Why should you choose the Monroe Dating app?
🤍 It’s a safe space for finding your future partner;
🤍 Express your gender identity without any boundaries;
🤍 Choose your pronounces (she/her, he/him, they/them);
🤍 New trans people are signing up every day from all over the world;
🤍 We welcome everyone who is going through the gender transition process;
🤍 Easy-to-use interface will help you to find your love.

Being open about your gender identity will help you to meet the right person. Monroe Dating is a great place to find new friends, soulmates, and begin romantic relationships. Just choose what you are looking for and Monroe will show you all potential matches.

Is Monroe Dating for transgender people only?
Not at all! Monroe is an LGBTQ+ inclusive app and if you identify as gay, lesbian, bi, trans, a transgender woman, a transgender man, non-binary, queer or just trying to find your true self - you’re in the right place.

If you are not trans but are really interested in meeting trans people - feel free to sign up too!

Why is it safe?
Our moderators and support team are striving to provide you with the best possible experience. All attempts to harass, discriminate, bully, scam or harm community members will be punished by our ban system. We want everyone to find happiness in our app.

We believe that all transgender people are entitled to the same dignity and respect. If you have an idea how can we improve your experience, drop us a line at [email protected]

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Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
Release Date
Thu, Jun 22, 2023
Update Date
Thu, Jun 22, 2023
Content Rating
Mature 17+
What's New
11 months ago
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$2.99 - $134.99 per item

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