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Zelmo's Zip In

Zelmo's Zip In

Ahorrar dinero con cupones móviles y tiendas de recompensas en postal de Zelmo En

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Argentina Argentina
Ahorrar dinero con cupones móviles y tiendas de recompensas en postal de Zelmo En
Zelmo's Zip In Stores puts convenience in the palm of your hand. If you are a Zelmo's Zip In
member, view your rewards and save more money with our deals. If you are not a member, this app will help you save money with our deals.

Deals – Save money with deals at Zelmo's Zip In
Places – Find all of our locations for more savings and rewards.
Rewards – Track your Zelmo's Rewards wherever you go and even get a reward for checking in.
Feedback – We value your feedback! Give in-app feedback directly to the people who make the decisions

But this app offers more than savings and free stuff. We've made it easy to search, map, and learn—as well as save—all in the same app.

We think you’ll enjoy it so much you’ll want to tell your friends—so we made it easy to share info on deals and rewards through Facebook, Twitter, and email.

Download our app today! Zelmo's Zip In
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DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
5.0 والأحدث
Release Date
Thu, Jan 1, 1970
Update Date
Wed, Jun 2, 2021
Content Rating
What's New
2 years ago
Save money with mobile coupons & store rewards at Zelmo's Zip In

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