Legacy Standard Bible

Legacy Standard Bible

¡La Legacy Standard Bible está disponible como una aplicación para teléfonos inteligentes de forma gratuita!

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¡La Legacy Standard Bible está disponible como una aplicación para teléfonos inteligentes de forma gratuita!
The Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) is a translation that—at its core—seeks to be a window into the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. By translating individual words as consistently as possible within their various nuances, it allows the reader to discern what God originally wrote and know the author's intent. In this way, the LSB seeks to be an improvement upon the NASB, while simultaneously preserving its faithful legacy.

The LSB smartphone app features:
● The complete New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs
● Brown-Driver-Briggs (abridged version) for Hebrew word definition
● Abbott-Smith for Greek word definition
● Search capability by lexical word

Be sure to register your account! The LSB app will be releasing more content for free, that can be accessed through registering your account with Accordance. We are also working on creating resource packages that will provide even more ability for in-depth study!
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Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
8.0 والأحدث
Release Date
Wed, Mar 10, 2021
Update Date
Fri, Aug 6, 2021
Content Rating
مقيّم بأنه مناسب لمن يبلغ 3 أعوام فما فوق
What's New
2 years ago
v2.2.3 (13728)

* Improved support for MT-ETCBC if HMT-W4 isn’t installed.
* Added support for the “Crasis” tag.
* Increased the desktop equivalent version from 12.2 to 13.1, so that GNT28-T can be downloaded.
* Updated the Hebrew Roots, Greek Roots, Greek Words, and Biblio Formats files to the latest versions.
* Optimizations to speed up startup.

* Better handling of modules that are too new to be supported on the current version of Accordance.

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