As you may remember we have mentioned the first step of CRO is ‘’ Research ‘’ lately. The focus of the whole article is on your app’s real value and what is your app benefits users who use it. Actually, this step is helping to measure your app’s functionality and what are you presenting to users. Also, this step leads you to build trust and explore for you some business models (PET ASO model, etc) which manage to connect with users. For this week, we will study other steps for how to hit your conversion rate.

Step 2: Hypothesizing

The most common usage strategy of CRO is to try every strategy that you can and pick the most successful one! A good hypothesis in ASO needs three requirements; specific action, specific result, and specific reason. After the hypothesis that you have actioned, you should pin down every experiment that you have for each hypothesis.

Step 3: Prioritizing

The most successful experiment should be prioritized. We will figure out a model that provides prioritize your conversion hypothesis. Let’s go through the ‘’RICE’’ theory that can help you with the potentially powerful hypothesis. We can explain this model like; How many people that effect is ‘’Reach’’ if it will is successful what would be the ‘’Impact’’ on the world, are you ‘’Confidence’’ with this project’s success, and how much time, the budget will be ‘’Effort’’ fort his project. You should analyze these questions according to the RICE model.

Step 4: Creating Store Assets

In this step, you should use your creativity. It should be unique and related to your step 1 research and step 2 hypothesis processes. When you completed prioritizing your CRO hypothesis, choose which elements are best for your business path.  After that, you can go into optimization for each store asset. Below assets that we are going to mention are general knowledge and they can be applied to both App Store and Google Play. We will go through specific assets later.

1.App Icon

You can take a reference from your competitors and analyze your icon according to your competitors. The icon is very important as it is the first impression for your visitors. You can use your brand and graphic illustrations which are presenting your app’s value. It is significant that you have one hundred percent relevant visual icon with your app but you should be careful that it can not be close to your competitors’ icons.

2. App title

Most app creators use app titles for keyword optimization. Keyword–optimized titles can raise conversion rate if the title is one hundred percent relevant to your main app value.

3. Subtitle

For the App Store, subtitles are as important as the app title for CRO. You should find the right keywords that explain your business because with the right wording you can grow organically. This should not be long but should describe better.

4. Short description

In Google Play search results, 80 character descriptions are appearing on the app list which is encourage the potential customer to download the app or continue to learn more about the application.

While short descriptions are beneficial for both keyword rankings and conversion, ASO typically views the short description's primary goal as raising conversion rates. However, by expressing what your app is in terms that customers search for, including a few key keywords in the short description will help you enhance your app's position and conversion rates. Because brief descriptions are centrally situated above the fold and just beneath the install button, they are quite well to convey your app's main messaging with screenshots.

5. Video & Screenshots

You should support your powerful descriptions with good-quality videos and screenshots. It should better be unique and get potential users’ attention. You can also add remarkable texting to the visual and this way you can connect with the visitor. But be careful about screenshots and videos because you should put remarkable points as earlier as possible so you can keep the attention.

6. Custom page background

The App store provides freedom to top developers to use their creativity on App store pages.

Visual word recognition is a very important concept for CRO. Many individual impressions make up your app's visibility across the app stores as a whole, from featured placements to top charts, keyword search results, and product page views. However, the majority of organic visibility and downloads for most apps come from a small number of high-volume, high-rank keywords. Optimizing your app's conversion rate for your top potential keywords is a low-hanging fruit that can help you get more downloads with little work.

In ASO, your role is to offer the user a silver platter response focusing that your app is the greatest solution to their problem; using the same language that the user used to find your app is a wonderful method to do so.