There are many benefits to creating an app preview video for your mobile app, but the most important one is that it helps you to reach a larger number of potential users. It will also help you promote your app and grow its user base. Despite their importance, many marketers neglect to create them and end up regretting them later.

App previews should show the benefits and features of an app shortly and concisely. They should contain story-boarding, animation, voiceover, etc. App previews should be unique as they can be used in the app product pages and as part of an advertising campaign or integrated into other marketing campaigns like PR campaigns.

What is a preview video and why do you need one?

App preview videos are short-form videos that show the capabilities of the app. They are up to 30 seconds. These videos are used to promote new apps or to motivate people to download apps that they might not know about.

There are many benefits for app video creators, including reaching a bigger audience and capturing users' interest. A study found that almost half of consumers watch one or more app preview videos before downloading an app, which is why marketers need to create high-quality previews of their products.

What is the best way to make your video look professional?

App previews are videos that are shown before downloading an app. They are generally about the first few seconds of the app, to show what it can offer. App preview videos are used to convince people to download a specific app, or at least try it out.

There are two types of app previews: static and dynamic. Static preview is a video that does not involve any animation or sound - which can make it less engaging for people who want to see what the app is all about before they download it. Dynamic previews, on the other hand, usually involve animations or sound effects along with voiceovers that explain how the app works before users decide whether they want to download it or not - making them more engaging for users who are looking for something entertaining to watch on their screen while they wait for

3 tips to create the best app preview video

1.Create a video structure

Before creating the app video, planing its structure is highly important. First, checking a couple of apps to see what type of features and functionality they offered can give an idea of how to structure your app.

The next stage is to build a tale once you've looked through the competitors and found some inspiration to start working on your own app promo video. Define which features you would like to add to the video, create a video flow and add your screenshots in a well-designed video frame. Remember that people will decide to check your app or download it with that video.

2.Follow the video guidelines

There are specific rules on how to create your app preview or promo video whether it is for Apple Appstore or Google Play Store.

We'll concentrate on the Apple Store rules, but the principles are transferable to other app marketplaces such as Google Play.

- A mobile app can include up to three preview videos.

- The duration of the video should be between 15 and 30 seconds.

- The file must be in the following formats:.m4v,.mov, or mp4 and max 500 Mb

- The resolution depends on the device, however, it might be horizontal or portrait.

- For your preview videos, mostly use screen screenshots.

- You can use text/copy in your video, however, localization should be considered.

- Voice-over is permitted, however, keep in mind that videos are often played on silent, and many people will not bother to switch on the sound.

- Videos should only display content for which the complete rights are possessed (don't show brand names or content that is being streamed from somewhere else).

- For different devices, Apple recommends varying app preview resolutions.

3.Insert eye-catching content

Make sure you’re coming up to the point in the first 5 seconds of the video since people can get distracted easily and their focusing time is very short. It’s been played automatically in the Appstore browse so if you catch their attention during the search you can increase your conversion from impressions as well.

Create the video including the app screen recordings to complete your product showcase with trustworthy sources. It’s also very important for guidelines to not get rejected by the app store teams.

App preview videos are a great chance to highlight the most important features of your app. It’s also a guide for users to make them understand how to use your app and why they need it. You can also add different animations to make it more dynamic.