[ Matrix Calculator ] PRO

[ Matrix Calculator ] PRO

Matrices & Linear Algebra Tool

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United States United States
Matrices & Linear Algebra Tool
The most easy to use Matrix Calculator with a lot of features which will make the experience unforgettable. This app is really different than any other matrix calculator. It provides a great User Experience and User Interface.

This app does not contain any ads and in-app purchases.

▢ Calculation features:
- common operations (+, -, ×, ÷, power of)
- matrix operations (rank, determinant, inverse, transpose, LU decomposition)
- number representation (fractions, decimals)
- order of operations

▢ Usage features:
- day/night theme switchable by rotating the device
- unlimited matrix size
- support for dragging matrices throughout a screen
- swipe gesture across the keyboard to add a row/column and move backwards
- transparent mode to make the screen transfluid
- two types of Clearing the screen (fast and step by step)
- copy & paste a matrix (with a long press gesture on a matrix)
- history of equation

▢ Other features:
- universal (works on iPhone, iPods Touch & iPads)
- 3D Touch shortcuts
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Excellent App : Simple to use

I’m a retired electrical engineer. Thirty-five years ago when I was a student at Texas A&M, we had to solve linear algebra problems by hand for our mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, physics and math classes. Sometimes the professor could only give us no more than four problems on a test because of the time it would take to invert even a 3x3 matrix — and one little sign error on the matrix inversion could totally mess up your solution. This app is simple to use and gives instant results. I do a little “free lance” design work and this app will be a time saver that I can pass on to the client. Good job developers !!!

Sam.Hunt.59Sat, Aug 15, 2020
United StatesUnited States

Great app

This app really helps in my algebra class. It is worth the price! My only complaint is that there is no clear button, so when I need to type a new matrix in I either have to quit the app or go through a long process of just pressing delete over and over to delete my current matrix.

turrit_huggerFri, Jan 4, 2019
United StatesUnited States
Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD 4.9KApr 2024Worldwide
REVENUE$3Apr 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
Release Date
Sun, Oct 4, 2015
Update Date
Mon, Oct 17, 2022
Content Rating
Has IMessage
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Support Siri
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Has Game Center
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What's New
1 year ago
clipboard bug has been fixed

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