Enjoy Movies Your Way

Enjoy Movies Your Way

Movies for the whole family

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Free (IAP)
3.7 (24)
United States United States
Movies for the whole family
A Safe And Family-Friendly Entertainment Solution

Have you ever watched a great movie, but wished they hadn’t used quite so much crude language? Have you ever tried to watch a movie or tv show with your kids but suddenly things go in an unexpected direction, and you can’t fast forward or turn it off fast enough? Have you worried about how increased profanity, violence, and sexual content in entertainment today are impacting your child’s mental health and could increase aggressive behavior? Well, keep reading to discover what we believe is just the right solution for you.

A Clean Version Of Netflix, Prime, And Many More.

Start streaming through Enjoy to mute the crude and abusive language automatically and skip adult content* so you can enjoy cringe-free movie time with your family again. If someone asks, “How can I get a clean version of Netflix?” You’ve got the perfect answer.

Revolutionize Your Movie-Watching Experience

Enjoy Movies Your Way is like a super smart remote control for major streaming platforms like Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu, HBO, Disney+, and YouTube. Simply connect your existing streaming accounts and start filtering! You can stream any movie through the Enjoy app with language filters auto-generated from subtitles.
Violence and nudity filters are also available for a growing library of thousands of fully tagged shows. In addition to language, violence, and sexual content, Enjoy can also filter drugs, alcohol, and a dozen other potentially triggering themes (like bullying, suicide, disturbing images, etc.). It can mute the sound, skip sections entirely, and black out or blur the video.

Wait, Is This Legal?

What about copyright law? Enjoy does not modify the original videos in any way, but instead plays them selectively, which US copyright law allows (ref. Family Movie Act 2005). Therefore, Enjoy does not infringe upon media copyrights and is perfectly legal. Content providers collect their subscription, rental, or purchase fees directly and without interference. Enjoy users are simply exercising their right to see or not to see specific content according to personal preference. Considering the necessity of our service with increasingly inappropriate content in today’s entertainment, we offer it free with all filtering features enabled.

Movie Filtering For Everyone

Our competitors only offer paid plans, but we believe filtering should be available for everyone for free or at a minimal cost. With the free plan, there will be a 1-minute intermission for every 15 minutes of viewing time. Use that intermission to grab a snack or answer texts! Do you think you might use Enjoy infrequently? Then the free plan might be just right for you. Or, remove the intermission breaks and support what Enjoy is doing by subscribing to the paid plan for only $6 per month.

Stream Over 360k+ Movies And Shows Through Enjoy

Depending on which services you have connected, you can stream over 360,000 movies and shows through Enjoy, and every show will have at least automatic language filters available! We also have a growing library of thousands of fully tagged shows allowing you to filter all categories of content (i.e. violence, sexual content, etc.).

If for some reason the movie you want is not in the database, you can always create the filters yourself using Tag mode**. Or you can reach out to us to request the movie get prioritized for filtering by the Enjoy tagging teams.

Movie Aggregator With Advanced Features

Enjoy is also a movie aggregator showing you all the places where a particular show is available to stream. Plus, there are more features like playback speed control, robust subtitle translations, and much more. Our content filtering features include language and graphic* content filtering for movies, shows, and even YouTube videos.

* Violence and nudity are only skipped in fully-tagged shows.
** Available on all platforms except Roku
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Need Apple TV app

Enjoy works great but only on iPhones and iPads, and Roku. A great product I’ll look forward to using much more once it is available on Apple TV.

macnutFri, May 17, 2024
United StatesUnited States

Excellent service.

I highly admire services that give parents or anyone the opportunity to filter unwanted objectionable material out of their movies. This application, “Enjoy Movies Your Way” is one of the better movie/TV filtering services out there. The staff is both friendly and helpful, and they are quick to listen to requests. I have had a wonderful experience with them. Also, with Amazon, Prime Video or YouTube, this service is totally free! That’s another part of it I really like! That said, every movie on here has what they call “fully certified filters”, which means it allows you to filter out objectionable material of any category. However, if they are not fully certified, it says “language filters available”, meaning that it still allows you to mute out the bad language. The only minus with the “language filters available” ones is that they often mute the entire sentence. The fully certified features mainly just mute the word. But…. If you want them to have the fully certified filters, the customer service is fantastic, and they are quick to add your requests to your list. I would highly recommend this website. Great customer service, inexpensive, and if you’re like me and want to keep your mind cleaner, this app is a great way to go!

marvelnerd123Mon, Apr 29, 2024
United StatesUnited States


Was good at first but after a while had to delete the app or reset to watch a movie or else it wouldnt play

Enjoy Movies Your Way CustomerMon, Apr 1, 2024
United StatesUnited States

Used to work

When we got this app it was great. Not so much now. Almost every time we try to watch a prime video movie, we have to delete the Enjoy app to reset it or it won’t show the movie. Right now Watching a Hulu movie. I watched it before on Hulu, but watching with the person that doesn’t like the swear words. We have Enjoy set to PG - there is no words filtered, so what’s the point. If I call email your tech about the problem, they will most likely to tell me to reboot the app AGAIN. When it may or may not do some filtering

GamesmomSun, Mar 17, 2024
United StatesUnited States

Causes iPhone Wake-up Alarm Malfunction

I would love to love this app! It’s a great way for me to show movies to my kids that I otherwise could not show them. However, there is a major flaw. This app causes the iPhone wake-up alarm to malfunction, ringing only very quietly and never increasing in volume. After a couple unexplained episodes when my alarm never work me, I suspected this app and tested it several ways. This is what I found: The app definitely interferes with the iPhone waleup alarm if there’s a movie currently playing on this app. However, more surprisingly, it also unexpectedly interferes if a movie has recently been playing and the app is still sitting open. This is relevant especially if you put on a movie to go to sleep at night. If you fall asleep during your movie and fail to close the app, your alarm will sound so quietly in the morning that you’ll likely never hear it and oversleep. Developer, please fix this! Users could end up missing school, work, or another important appointment, not knowing this is occurring. I otherwise so far love the app.

BAFisher23Fri, Mar 15, 2024
United StatesUnited States


This app does not filter like it should. It leaves sex scenes in and then deletes full sentences instead of just certain words. I adjusted it to not take out things before and after. It really needs a complete overhaul. VidAngel and Clearplay are much better. They tell you exactly what they are taking out.

Mattee6Sat, Feb 24, 2024
United StatesUnited States
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DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Release Date
Wed, Jun 8, 2022
Update Date
Wed, Jul 26, 2023
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Has IMessage
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Has Game Center
Family Sharing
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What's New
10 months ago
Fix for occasional casting issues
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