

BaseHubs helps discover the businesses that are trusted by military families.

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BaseHubs helps discover the businesses that are trusted by military families.
BaseHubs helps you discover the businesses that are trusted by your local military community. Read and write reviews, share recommendations, find military discounts, and more. BaseHubs is your go-to place to connect with other military families and Veterans.

Why BaseHubs?
It should be easy to find a new great place for your family to eat, or a reliable mechanic, or a new dentist. That’s not reality. Something as simple as finding a great locally-owned business becomes a cluttered, unreliable, and unsatisfying task. BaseHubs is changing that, one community at a time. We think there’s far more trust and relevance when reviews and recommendations are coming from other military families.

Explore different places, what’s popular, and on the rise
Discover hundreds of places around you that offer military discounts or are veteran-owned. Search to find businesses for your every need — restaurants, shopping, lawyers, dentists, gyms, banks, home services, professionals, and more! Connect with amazing places and find the best deals for you and your family.

Connect with the BaseHubs community
Expand your world by connecting to the larger BaseHubs community. Follow friends, family, troop members, other military families, veterans, and leaders in your area. Connect with your military community across the country before, during, and after a PCS.
Build your profile
Customize your profile and add a photo to stand out and express yourself. Bring your authentic self to the community.
Share your opinion
Express yourself by sharing your opinions on local spots. Voice your praises, rants, and raves and share your stories with others.


Privacy policy:
We think people are getting fed up with being the food source for the internet’s data hogs. We do not sell the data or profile information of our community members. Period. While selling your bits and bytes to the highest bidder is all too common for many apps and services, that’s not how we operate. All the details are in our privacy policy, but we figured it’s worth repeating here.
Category Ranking
Not enough information to display the data.
Review Breakdown
Not enough information to display the data.
Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
Release Date
Fri, Mar 11, 2022
Update Date
Wed, Feb 28, 2024
Content Rating
What's New
3 months ago
- Welcome to the new BaseHubs!
- The BaseHubs Mobile Application has been improved for a more consistent user experience.

- Increased performance and bug fixes.

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