Japanese Bible App

Japanese Bible App

Offline Japanese Bible App: access the Holy Bible without any cost and offline.

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Offline Japanese Bible App: access the Holy Bible without any cost and offline.
Download our free Japanese Bible App, your comprehensive companion to spiritual enrichment and guidance, conveniently available on Google Play. Immerse yourself in the timeless wisdom and teachings of the Bible with ease and accessibility, anytime, anywhere. This Bible app is free and offline, no internet required. 

Features of Japanese Bible App:

1- Colloquial Japanese Text: Experience the scriptures in the familiar and easily understandable Colloquial Japanese - Kougo-yaku, 1954/1955 version, allowing for deeper comprehension and connection with the teachings.

2- Offline access: Enjoy uninterrupted access to the scriptures, even without an internet connection, ensuring that your spiritual journey remains uninterrupted, regardless of your location

3- Free Bible App: Access the entirety of the Bible app without any cost, ensuring that spiritual enlightenment remains accessible to all.

4- Audio Narration: Listen to the soothing and enriching voice narrations of the scriptures, allowing for a multi-sensory experience that enhances understanding and engagement.

5- Verse of the day: Start your day on a positive note with a specially curated verse delivered to you daily, inspiring reflection and contemplation.

6- Share Verses: Spread the message of love, hope, and faith by easily sharing your favourite verses with friends and family through various social media platforms.

Personalize your Bible app:

1- Bookmark Verses: Personalize your experience by bookmarking verses that resonate with you, allowing for easy reference and reflection at any time.

2- List of Favourites: Compile a personalized list of your favourite verses for quick and easy access, allowing you to revisit and reflect on the messages that touch your heart.

3- Keyword Search: Effortlessly find specific verses or passages by utilizing our comprehensive keyword search functionality, streamlining your study and exploration of the scriptures.

4- Create Verse Images for free: Harness the power of visual inspiration by creating beautiful images featuring your favourite verses, perfect for sharing on social media or personal reflection.

5- Night Mode: Optimize your reading experience in low-light conditions with our night mode feature, reducing eye strain and enhancing readability.

6- Font Size Adjustment: Customize your reading experience by adjusting the font size to suit your preferences, ensuring comfortable reading for users of all ages.

Embark on a journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment with our free Japanese Bible App, where the timeless wisdom of the scriptures awaits you at your fingertips. Download now and let the teachings of the Bible enrich your life in profound and meaningful ways. Best of all: in your language for free!
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DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Release Date
Fri, May 17, 2024
Update Date
Fri, May 17, 2024
Content Rating
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2 weeks ago
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