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SGK2 - Ghost Hunting Kit

SGK2 - Ghost Hunting Kit

All in 1 Kit, EMF Meter, Streaming Spirit Box, EVP Recorder

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Free (IAP)
3.6 (406)
United States United States
All in 1 Kit, EMF Meter, Streaming Spirit Box, EVP Recorder
Another of our All in 1 Ghost Hunting Kits is now available!!

Featuring an EMF Detector, our Streaming Spirit Box and EVP Recorder.

EMF Detector

The EMF Detector uses the Magnetometer built into your Android Device (some devices do not have this, in which case the feature will not work).

The Streaming Spirit Box

I have setup my own IP Stream, which is a bit like an online radio station, and is constantly streaming random sounds.

The random sounds are a library of short sound clips (roughly 10,000 audio clips) taken from AM FM CB CW VHF UHF, Morse, various ghost box recordings & phonetic audio from single words in many different languages (Some even overlayed & echo'd) & a few other sources.

In chopping them down to 1 second clips, it's very hard to create a full sentence from a 1 second clip & any words in there will be totally unrelated to possibly any question a person may ask.

This is probably the first of its kind. We know that many have wanted something like this for a while now.

Random is the best way to describe what is happening in the audio... there really is no way to judge what will be said at the same time of a question.. The best thing about it is.. because it uses a more phonetic sound in the clips, we should be able to get foreign language usage & responses from it too.

Just be warned its not for the faint hearted, this can be a terrifying experience if you have never touched a ghost box before so we recommend researching about the ghost box before deciding to try one for real.

Simply click on "Start", this will open up the player and the sounds will start playing. When you have finished click the "Back" button on your device, this will take you back to the "Start" screen, from here it is safe to close the app down.

you can change the sweep rate, or rate in which a sound is played, via the slider on the main screen.

EVP Recorder

The EVP Recorder allows you to record your spirit box session, or just record on its own.

A folder is created on your device called "SpottedGhosts", in there you will find folders for all of our apps. Go into the "SGK2" folder, then into the "Recordings" folder, here you will find all your recordings as .3gp.

You can also share your .3gp files via any app on your device that allows the sharing of
3gp (or audio) files.


A handy tool to have for any Paranormal Investigations or Ghost Hunting Session!

Please be aware, I am not stating that ghosts / spirits will 100% communicate with you through my app, but it has worked for me and many other people.

Please be patient, I hope you get the answers you are looking for.



For £3 per month or £25 per Year.

Removes ALL Adverts, FREE Soundbank Downloads, and more features for paying subscribers coming soon.

Please help me make this app better for you.


** This app contains adverts **

Yes we know, everyone hates adverts right? Well, I think you should look at adverts as a good thing, they are a way for you to help to financially support the developers, without actually paying the developers any money. So please don't be annoyed with the adverts in this app, they are there to help us finance the development of new features for you, the users.

This app shows non-personalised ads to users, by using this app you are consenting to Google Admob to use cookies or mobile ad identifiers in order to show you adverts. More information can be found on my privacy policy page ( and on Google Admob (

** Disclaimer **

Use at your own risk, I cannot be held personally responsible for you or any outcome (paranormal or otherwise) from using this app!
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Download & Revenue
DOWNLOAD N/AMay 2024Worldwide
REVENUEN/AMay 2024Worldwide
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Bundle Id
Min Os. Version
6.0 and up
Release Date
Mon, Mar 5, 2018
Update Date
Mon, Sep 13, 2021
Content Rating
What's New
2 years ago
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